I would not want to lose my sight. I couldn’t see birds,dogs, and people.If I lose my hearing o’well it wont bother me you can read lips. Taste I wouldn’t care to lose. Half the things I eat are nasty anyways.without sight you might fall of a bridge and die and not know it. All the other senses don’t matter.without sight you can’t play games or watch t.v. You can travel the world but without sight it’s as useless as trying to kill the air .If you have a date how do you know what she looks like? she could be miss ugly usa for all we know. If I lose my sight I would be really really mad. you could be walking in Quick sand and think your in an elevator. I want to always see because if you can’t you wont be able to do as much stuff and could get bored. the next thing you know your flying to Iraq your plane gets shot down everyone but you evacuates so you burn up and well by by birdie. I hope I keep my sight cause if I lose my sight I can’t go to war and shoot down irakies
I Want My Sight The Most